

The "Eight Ball" game from Game Velvet is a 3D simulation of the most widespread version of billiards. Eight Ball is a game for two players. It was designed to be fun and realistic.

  • Players - 2

  • Table – 6 pocket table

  • Balls – A white ball (the cue ball), 7 solid balls, 7 stride balls, and a black ball (the 8 ball).

  • Object of the Game - The player must pocket either kind of balls first and then pocket the 8-ball to win the game.

Game Controls

Check the list of the control keys below:

  • Ctrl - Hold it to shoot

  • Shift - Hold to move the mouse slowly

  • Left click mouse - Hold the left button of the mouse and move it to drag the cue ball to the desired position.

  • Right click mouse – Hold the right button of the mouse to adjust the angle of the cue

  • Mouse wheel – Adjusts the camera angle

  • Middle mouse button - Adjusts the camera angle

  • F1 – Toggle Help on/off

  • F2 – View the room

  • F3 - To change the size of the chat window.

  • F5 – Toggle camera view (standard camera)

  • F6 – Toggle Table overview (to see over the table)

  • F7 - Toggle Corner Cameras. Press it repeatedly to cycle through the different corners

  • Esc – Opens the game menu

Groups of Balls

There are two groups of balls: The stripes and the solid ones. There are seven solid-colored balls numbered 1 through 7 and seven striped balls numbered 9 through 15.

If the breaker fails to pocket a ball after the break, the table is still considered "open" until someone legally pockets a ball. If the opening player pockets a ball, it is still that player's turn.

Your group and the opponent's group are shown on the top bar of the game, near the avatars. The balls become transparent as they are pocketed.

Taking a shot

How to shoot:

  1. Put the cue on the desired position

  2. Hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard. From this moment on, the horizontal movement slows down, and you can move the cue forward and backward.

  3. While holding the Ctrl key, pull the mouse back (toward you) to move the cue away from the ball. Then move it forward until it reaches the ball. Finally, release Ctrl.

The strength of the shot will be proportional to the speed with which you move the cue toward the ball, NOT to the distance you've moved the cue previously. Tips:

Adjust the angle of the cue to shoot by holding the right button of the mouse and moving it forward or backward. A low angle shot (near the table) is more accurate than a high-angle shot (with the cue up), once the ball can jump.

Holding the left button of the mouse, you adjust the point where the cue will hit the cue ball. This is important to make a number of different effects. But beware! If your shot is very close to the edge of the cue ball, the cue can slip.


At the beginning of the game, one of the two players is chosen randomly for the opening shot. For the opening shot, take a strong shot - if necessary, increase the mouse sensitivity on the options. At least four balls must touch the tables after the opening, OR at least one ball must be pocketed. If it doesn't happen, the opening is seen as a foul and the other player will re-open the game (when this happens, the balls are repositioned to a new shot). Pocketing the cue ball or the 8 ball in the opening also represents a foul. If you pocket one or more balls of the same type (all solid or all stride balls) in the opening, these balls are defined as being in your group.


  • If you commit a foul, your opponent plays on your turn and they can position the cue ball anywhere on the table if the groups are already defined. If the groups haven't been defined, than the ball can only be positioned on the upper area of the table.

Eight Ball game fouls:

  • If you hit the opponent's ball before hitting your own ball with the cue ball (only if the groups are defined);

  • If you hit the 8 ball before another ball; unless you can legally pocket it;

  • While opening, have less than 4 balls reach the cushion walls (including the cue ball), or/and not pocket any balls;

  • If you knock the cue ball off the table;

  • If you pocket the cue ball;

  • If you pocket an opponent's ball;

  • If none of the balls reach the cushion walls or are pocketed while opening a game

End of the Match

The match ends when a player legally pockets the 8 ball, after all of that player's object balls have been pocketed. It is illegal to pocket the 8 ball before pocketing the other balls.

The game can also end if a player shoots in a way that makes him lose immediately. These moves are:

  • Pocket the 8 ball;

  • Knock the 8 ball off the table;

  • Fouls when pocketing the 8-ball

Camera Controls

The game has 4 camera modes, 3 of which are controlled by the player.

The standart camera is called "free camera", and can rotate freely around the cue ball. This camera allows you to move the mouse sideways to move around the ball, moving it near to get close and far to get away from the ball, and hold the middle mouse button (or scroll the mouse wheel) to change the inclination. This camera can be accessed by pressing the F5 key.

The upper camera gives an overview of the table. It allows you to have an overal view of the game and plan a strategy. On the other hand, it is inaccurate for making shots. It can be accessed by pressing the F6 key.

The corners camera shows the game from one of the four corners. It is used for following shots near the pockets. It can be accessed by pressing the F7 key.

The pocket camera is automatically activated when a ball is pocketed, and shows the pocket where it falls. This camera provides a limited view of an area.


Learn how to play other Billiards Games

Amplify your knowledge at Other Games reading the rules and watching videos from similar games to Pool .

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Achievements and Ranking

This game has achievements and a weekly ranking.

 Click here to check all the achievements.

 Click here to see the game ranking.