

The game is played on a 56 spaces board divided in:

- 4 nests, one of each color (yellow, red, blue and green)

- 48 spaces with 4 lands each where business can be built (theses spaces are called blocks)

- 2 spaces with mini games (shown by a drawing with bils and coins)

- 2 spaces with stock market.

The board is also divided in 4 areas, one of each color. Each area has 12 blocks.

There are 92 cards in the game, 4 kinds of 23 different cards. the cards are shuffled before the beginning of the game.

Each player begins the game with 2 die and a colored pawn at his/her same color nest. Also each player begins with 5 cards from the stack and $500 of virtual money. A player is drawn to be first.


The Game

The game is played in turns, each player at a time. Each turn has 5 steps in the following sequence:
     1) Playing the dice
     2) Moving the pawn
     3) Making payments
     4) Minigame or Stock Market
     5) Shares

1) Playing the dice
At this step the player must roll the die and move his/her pawn the number of spaces indicated by the die.

2) Moving the pawn

the player must move his/her pawn the number of spaces indicated by the die, always moving clockwise. The board has four bifurcations, the player can choose either to go straight or turn right.

3) Making payments

In case the player has payments to make, he/she must do it, otherwise just ignore this step.

4) Minigames or Stock Market

If the player lands on a space with minigames, all of the 4 players will individually and at the same time play a minigame.

In the player lands on a space with the Stock Market, he/she wins or loses a random amount of money, win up to $500 or lose up to $300.

5) Shares

At this step the player can choose from several shares, use one of his/her cards, change cards or pass thr turn. In case he/she lands on a block (space with 4 lands) there's the option to build your business. You can only choose one of these shares at this sptep.


End of the Game: The game has 20 victory cards (4 copys of 5 different cards) in the deck. To win the game one of these cards has to be played . Victory cards have a red border. Each victory card has a price and may have one or more different requirements to be played. There are no limit or restrictions to the amount of cards the player may have. When a victiry card is played by any player the game ends immediatelly.


Building Business:

In order to build a business the player must land on a block with at least one unwoed property. There are 7 different types of business and each one has a price and a base income:

        Business Price Base Income
Bar $50 $25
Warehouse $100 $50
Super Market $150 $75
Gallery $250 $125
Comercial Building $500 $250
Mall $1000 $500
Super Center $1500 $750

To build a business the player must have enough balance and pay the printed price. After the payment the business is built starting at level 1. The business level determines its base income. Every time the player passes through his/her starting point the business increases 1 level. The base income increases 20% for each new level. Throughout the game the business may win some bonuses that will increases its income. The bonuses are:

Brand Bonus
All business of a certain type that a player owns receive a bonus for each different area in which they are located. This bonus is based upon its base income.
- 2 areas with the same type of business and the same owner : +25% of income for each one
- 3 areas with the same type of business and the same owner: +50% of income for each one
- 4 areas with the same type of business and the same owner: +100% of income for each one

Area Bonus
Each player has a particular colored area. Each business built by the player in his/her own area wins a bonus based on the amount of business located in that area. This bonus is based upon its base income.
- 1 business in his/her own area: +20% of income for this business
- 2 business in his/her own area: +40% of income for each business
- 3 business in his/her own area: +60% of income for each business
- etc...

Neighborhood Bonus
A bonus us awarded for each different tyoe of business that's located in the same block or in blocks adjacents to it, regardless the owner. If there's a business of the same type in the same block or in a block adjacent to it, it won't receive bonus. This bonus is based upon its base income.
- 1 different business in a adjacent block: +25% of income for that business
- 2 different business in the adjacents blocks: +50% of income for that business
- 3 different business in the adjacent blocks: +75% of income for that business
- 4 different business in the adjacent blocks: +100% of income for that business
- 5 different business in the adjacent blocks : +150% of income for that business
- 6 different business in the adjacent blocks: +200% of income for that business
- 1 ou mais negócios iguais nos quarteirões adjacentes: +0% de rendimento neste negócio (sem bônus)

If a player lands over a opponents business, he/she must pay a tax to the owner. This tax is equal to the business total income, which is composed by the income base with the applied bonuses.



At the last step of his/her turn, the player can choose to play a card. In order to do that he/she must pay the price and in it's the victory card, fullfill its requirements. There are 23 different cards, 5 of them are victory cards. Some cards can be used on other players, lands or business and the other cards benefit the player who played them.

The card are listed below:

Easy Money
You win $500 form City Hall.
Charge: $0
At tax sight
Choose a player. The chosen player must pay a 50% tax of his/her balance to the City Hall at the next round.
Charge: $200
Mob Collection
Choose a player, the chosen player must pay you 30% of all his/her business summed at the next round.
Charge: $100
Note: The amount of money to be payed is the sum of all this player's income of each business.
Tax Exemption
You won't have to pay the next 3 mob's collections, tolls and city hall taxes.
Charge: $200
Business Exemption
You won't have to pay the next 3 players business tax.
Custo: $200
Locked Account
Choose a player, at the next time that player receives any amount of money, it will be diverted to the City Hall.
Charge: $200
Caution, Men ar Work:
Choose a space at the board to set an obstruction. Only you or players that roll a 6 can go through.
Charge: $100
Choose a space on the board to place a toll. Every time a player goes trough he/she must pay you $100.
Charge: $100
Choose a Toll or obstruction. This construction will be demolished.
Charge: $100
Rabbit Operation
You automatically roll all 6's for the next 3 rounds.
Charge: $0
Turtle Operation
Choose a player, that player will roll all 1's for the next 3 rounds.
Charge: $200
Extra Dice
You will play with an extra dice. This card won't work if you already have 4 die.
Charge: $200
Note: This is permanent. The player will have the extra dice iuntil the end of the game, unless another card cancels it.
Lost Dice
Choose a player. That player will play with one dice less. This card won't work if he/she is already playing with only one dice.
Charge: $500
Note: The player will remain with one dice less unless another card gives it back.
A New Beginning
Choose a player. That player loses all temporary effects given by any cards and his/her number goes back to 2.
Charge: $200
Choose a business to be imploded.
Charge: $200
Instant appreciation
Choose one of your business. That business profits will increase 3 levels. Charge: $200
Note: As the base income increases 20% on each level, this card increases the base income on almost 73%.
Aggerssive Marketing
All of your businnes profits increases 1 level.
Charge: $400


Victory Cards

Richest in Town
You win the game if you have 40% or more of all the players sumed profits and completed 2 rounds in the board.
Charge: $0
Note: The profits percentege of each player is shown on the side of his/her total profits.
Successfull Businessman
You win the game if you have $7000 or more in total patrimonies.
Chare: $0
Private Jet
You win the game if you have at least 2 more rounds completed on the board than each player.
Charge: $500
Note: The number of completed rounds of each player on the boar is shown on his/her nest.
Swiming in Money
You win the game.
Charge: $3000
Note: This card has no requirements to be played, you just need enough balance.
GV Business
You win the game if you have a business with a $2000 of profits.
Charge: $500


Special Effects

Some cards may leave the player under special effects. These effects have different durations and actions. Players under special effects are identified with icons by their avatars. All effects occur automatically, and the players have no control under them (there are some exeptions). The special effects are described as follows:

At Tax Sight
This player must pay a 50% of his/her balance to the city hall at the next round.
Avaiability: 1 time
Note: The payment will be made during the player's payment step.
Mob Collection
The layer must pay you 30% of all his/her business summed to other player at the next round.
Avaiability: 1 time
Note: The payment will be made during the player's payment step.
Tax Exemption
This player won't have to pay mob's taxes, tolls or city hall taxes.
Avaiability: 3 times
Note:This card gives protection against any business the player happens to land. If there are more payments than effects left, he/she may choose which payments to avoid before all effects are used.Otherwise, the effect is automatically used.
Business Exemption
This player won't have to pay other player's business fees.
Avaiability: 3 times
Note: This card gives protection against any business the player happens to land. If there are more payments than effects left, he/she may choose which payments to avoid before all effects are used. Otherwise, the effect is automatically used.
Locked Account
Any amount of money this player receives will be diverted to the City Hall
Avaiability: 1 time
Note: Even if the money to be received comes from an opponent, will be diverted to the City Hall anyway.
Rabbit Operation
This player will automatically roll all 6's for the next 3 rounds.
Avaiabilitty: 3 times
Turtle Operation
This player will roll all 1's for the next 3 rounds.
Avaiability: 3 times
  The card A new beggining causes the player to loose all the effects.


Mini Game

There are 4 different mini games. When a player lands on a space with a mini game, one mini game is drawn for all 4 players to play at the same time. The mini games are individual ( sinlgle player) and last 30 seconds. In each mini game the player earns that will be converted to money in the end. The player of the turns always plays on the easy level while the other player play on the hard level.

The mini games are listed below:

Change the Change
The object of this game is to complete mathematical sums again and again. One of the numbers is missing from the sum and the player must click on the right bill to complete the equation. Example: if the equation is "15 + ? = 17" the player must click on the 2 bill: "15 + 2 = 17". The player may click on any bill as long as the summed value doesn't exceed the result value. The player wins 25 points for every right and loses 50 points for every wrong answer. The bills used are: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 e 100.

Easy level: the missing value is always in just one bill. That way the player only needs to click on 1 bill to get the points.
Hard level: the missing value can be reached by using 1 or 2 bills. That way the player needs to click up to 2 bills to get the points.

Pick the coins
In this game the player must move the piggy bank with the mouse to collect the coins falling from the sky and dodge the hammers. The coins can be silver or gold. Each silver coin is worth 5 points and each gold coin is worth 20 points. Each hammer that hits the piggy bank makes the player loses 100 points.

Easy level: there will be more coins and less hammers and some special green coins may appear, they are worth 100 points.

Hard level: there will be less coins and more hammers.

Memory Game
In this game the player has to flip the bills to find pairs. When pairs are found, the points earned by the player are equal to the bills value. If all pairs ate found before the time is up another memory game beggins.

Easy level: there are 7 pairs and each right pair is worth 60 points.

Hard level: there are 14 pairs and each right pair is worth 30 points.

Find the Key
In this game the player must find the right key to open the safe. The key has the same outline as the lock. When the right key is found another lock appears. The player gets 40 points for every right key.

Easy level: for each lock there are 6 different keys.

Hard level: for each lock there are 9 different keys and they are smaller and reversed.

Now is up to you. Enjoy!

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