

GameVelvet's Brazilian Snooker is a 3D simulation of the most popular billiards variation in Brazil. It's a 2 player game.

  • Players - 2
  • Table - 6 pockets official table
  • Balls - A white ball ("cue ball"), 7 varied colour balls
  • Objectiveo - Win the game by points.

The Game

Game Controls

Here is a list with all game controls:

  • Ctrl - Hold to shoot pool
  • Shift - Hold to move the mouse slower
  • Mouse left button - When shooting, hold to choose where in the cue ball the cue is gonna hit. When repositing the cue ball, hold to drag it.
  • Mouse right button - Adjusts the cue angle with the table
  • Mouse wheel - Adjusts the free camera angle
  • Mouse center button - Adjusts the free camera angle
  • F1 - Activate or deactivate the help
  • F2 - Show the room
  • F3 - Changes chat size
  • F5 - Changes to the free camera (default)
  • F6 - Changes to the superior camera (over the table view)
  • F7 - Changes to the corner cameras. Each press changes to a different corner.
  • Esc - Opens the game menu

Understand the "target ball"

The balls are numbered in the following order:

  • Ball number 1: red
  • Ball number 2: yellow
  • Ball number 3: green
  • Ball number 4: brown
  • Ball number 5: blue
  • Ball number 6: pink
  • Ball number 7: black

The target ball is always the lowest number ball on the table


1: On the opening the target ball is the number 1

2: On the table there are the following balls: brown, blue, pink and balck. The target ball will be the lowest number ball on the table, that is, the target ball is the brown ball.

How scoring works

You score whenever you pot a ball. The score will depend on what ball you pot. (see the balls value below):

  • Red ball: 1 point
  • Yellow ball: 2 points
  • Green ball: 3 points
  • Brown ball: 4 points
  • Blue ball: 5 points
  • Pink ball: 6 points
  • Black ball: 7 points

Except for the opening, at any moment you can target any ball and score this balls points. At the opening you can just hit the red ball.


  • To pot the numbered at the beggining fo the play makes you continue to play for the target ball.
    • When you pot the target ball, you must, obrigatorily at attack, a free numbered ball (no "penalty"). When put, give you the optional right to play for another numbered, as well obrigatorily at attack and with the possibility of a 7 point penalty, if the play is not converted.
    • When you pot it you must play the target ball again, and so on, until the end of the match.
  • If you pot the target ball it will stay in the pocket.
  • If you pot a ball that is not the target, it will return to a preset positon (the same as the opening one).
  • When the target ball is put and you play for the next value, this ball will be considered numbered if put, but as a target ball if not converted or playing defense.


When you commit a foul, you pass the turn to the other player and this one has the right for a reposition on the cue ball at the repositioning semicircle.

The following itens are considered foul at 7-Ball Billiards game:

  • Pot a ball that is not the red, at the openning: penalty = 7 points
  • If a ball falls from the table: penalty = 7 points
  • Pot the cue ball: penalty = 7 points
  • Hit a ball and pot another: penalty = value of the ball that was hit first
  • If the taget bal is not potted at the last play, "AND" the ball you hit on this play is not the target ball, "AND" you don't put this ball: penalty = value of the ball you hit

End of the match

The match ends with the victory of a player if he/she pots all balls or if there is a difference in points as explained below:

  • There is a 46 points difference between the adversaries and there are 3 balls left
  • There is a 27 points difference between the adversaries and there are 2 balls lef
  • There is a 7 points difference between the adversaries and there is 1 ball lef

Shooting pool

To shoot pool you must:

  • Target the cue in the desired direction.
  • Hold the Ctrl key of your keyboard. From this moment, the horizontal movement slows, and you can move the cue front and back.
  • Still holding Ctrl, drag the mouse backwards (in your direction) to get the cue farther from the cue ball, then move it frontward until it hits the cue ball. After that you can release Ctrl.
  • The strength will be related to the speed you move the cue to the ball, and not the distance that you moved the cue.


A duo must score more points than the other side to complete the contract. In the most frequent cases, the total number of points is 162 and the objective is to score more than 81. But when an extra score is credited, the total is 182 and the victory happens with 91 points or more.

Three scenarios can happen::

  • If the next player to the reciever scores more that half of the points, each side will score the number of points obtained.

  • If the next player to the reciever scores less that half of the points, the oppositing side will score all points (162 or 182).

  • If the next player to the reciever scores less that half of the points, the adversaries will score their points (81 or 91), and all other points will be kept for the next round (they will be scored by the next round winner).

Special Case: the hood

If a side win all the raises, it scores all the points but not the Hand of Ten, but gets 100 extra points. So this side will socre 252.

Winning the Match

The first side to reach a pre-established score (1000 points) wins the game.

Gamevelvet's Belote is an call free belote. The calls complicate the game, at the same time raises the luck aspect at the expense of the strategy.




Learn how to play other Billiards Games

Amplify your knowledge at Other Games reading the rules and watching videos from similar games to Billiards 7 ball .

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